Stages of Change in Addiction Recovery

Communication is one of the best means to support the addiction recovery. Helping people to overcome their feelings of isolation and feeling lonely is often associated with addiction. People can help others to recover from addiction is by building good relations with them. The addiction can be from drugs, alcohol or beyond.

In this online era, where the internet is easily accessible, many people look for communication online. Some people are comfortable sharing things with people not known to them. The fear of being judged can make a person feel stressed. The recovery by online means is called internet recovery, where the forums of rehab programmes are taken online.

Recovery is a process where there is a complete change of everything you have known, and there are different stages that a person experience. Decades ago, well-known alcohol use disorder researchers Carlo C. DiClemente and J.O. Prochaska created a 6-stages of change called the model of change. This model helps the professionals to observe the recovery of the patients and how they are modifying their habit of drinking, smoking or any other addiction. People can enter from any stage, and it is common to re-enter or exit from any stage from the model.

However, it is also possible for people to go between stages by moving forward and backwards or be in more than one stage at a time.


In the first stage of addiction recovery, a person does not think their behaviour is making the problem. They do not experience any adverse situations. As a result of their behaviour, there are consequences and the person near to them have to face. During this stage, a person's behaviour is optimistic and pleasant, which has not to lead to any wrong decisions. At this point, they are not interested in hearing any advice to quit or being told about potentially harmful side effects. They think that they have every answer.


At this stage, a person realizes that they have a problem. It can be a hectic process and sometimes messy. They might want to change their behaviour, and they might not feel like committing to it. People are researching about the recovery of addiction and their treatment. They have their reasons for drinking that is bad and harms their life. They still cannot make that first step toward change. They continue to weigh the pros and cons of drinking or using. The contemplation stage can last for years. Sometimes, the patients move on to the next stage, or they revert to contemplation.


People at this stage take small steps towards behaviour change. They are prepared to commit the action. They believe that behaviour change can bring them a healthy life. They might meet with Smart Pharma, a health care where professionals determine the options for an effective treatment plan. In this stage, individuals will assess some difficulty to stop drinking and using, possibly with the help of a professional. They will find the solutions to follow for an effective treatment plan.


At this stage, the plan of recovery gets put into action. The commitment that is made only to tell other people is to get encouragement from others, but the real change is the actual change in behaviour. For many people, the treatment starts while entering the treatment centre. Individual and group therapies help the person to understand their addiction better. The action stage helps a person with healthy and effective strategies for coping with addiction.

Maintenance & Relapse

It takes time and effort to sustain any behavioural change. In the maintenance stage, a person begins to adapt new lifestyle. Chances of reverting to old habits become less threatening. Substance use disorder is a chronic disease. As with all chronic diseases, the risk will always be present. Despite the following everything, the worsen situation might occur. But this is not a sign of failure. The patient can become sober again after special treatment. Sustainable changes require time to create and commit. One should stick to the changes for years is the actual test. In this stage, people become adapted to an alcohol-free and drug-free life. They become strong in their recovery session.


The goal of this stage is the recovery of the addiction, a final termination. When a person feels confident and healthy. They no longer feel the fear of their addiction coming back. They have the confidence to live a happy and healthy life without harmful substances. They truly want to be recovered and have no desire to return to unhealthy habits.



The stages of changes may seem intimidating to someone who is contemplating or early in recovery. Smart Pharma can help you advance through these stages with confidence. Permanent recovery is possible, and WE can help you achieve your goal. The best part is that you never have to do this alone.


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